Several years ago, Cindy McCall asked me to pick out a picture that I had in my photo album that I really liked, dragged me over to Sandy McNulty’s art studio and sat me in front of a canvass.  I had been going through some very dark days, full of harassment, abuse and sadness. I was hollowed and worn.  That day, I spent the whole day painting “Sunset over Dalhousie” with acrylics.  I had never painted before, my true art being pencil sketching.

My life as an artist started at a young age, always sketching images that I enjoyed.  At the age of 18, I became a pet portrait artist, supplementing my meagre income to pay the bills. Through the years, sketching was put on the back burner in pursuit of my love of music and my desire to continue with playing and writing.

That day at Sandy’s, I realized something within me.  That I have many talents and abilities and the joy that I find in each and every one of those talents and abilities, can pull me through the darkest of days.  Nobody can ever take that away from me.  Today, as I evolve into my counselling role, I have developed a series of workshops to help others feel the energy that I felt that day.  I hope to share my knowledge with others so that they may heal and move forward with pride and confidence, as I did.

Thank you FiveWomen and Some Art for including your number 1 groupie into your wonderful collective.   The collective is no longer, as all of these fabulous women have moved on, doing wonderful things outside of the collective and evolving as they will.  Spending their energy wisely in whatever they have decided is best.  I am forever grateful for the experience and wish you all the very best that life can offer.  Thank you!

deb Shea
Cindy McCall
Greta McDonald
Sandy McNulty
Christine Graves
Molly Forsythe
Cedar McLean